Some people think that the only way to reach inner peace is to somewhere secluded and meditate, but that’s not always the case. Much like self-love, this is one of the things that people spend lifetimes trying to reach. People always think that taking the time to get away and relax is when you get inner peace but don’t you think that it’s times of chaos and struggle that you need peace within yourself the most?

One of the things that can help with that is knowing to control your breath. Breathing is one of the most soothing to your body during stressful times. Learning breath control through activities such as meditation and yoga can help you get the most out of your breathing.

A breathing technique used in yoga is called the 4-7-8 breath. You close your mouth and inhale through your nose as you count to four. Hold your breath as you count to seven, and then exhale through your mouth for the count of eight. According to research, this helps stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system, which essentially initiates your body to relax. 

Another way to help with inner peace is to remember that you are safe and loved. Feeling security within yourself and with your relationships takes so much of the toll off. It gives you a sense of home and calm in a world full of heartache. Remember the love you get from your closest people and take it in constantly.

Faith can also be such a huge help in finding inner peace. Knowing that you are loved unconditionally by someone somewhere, by someone who would do anything for you, who shaped you to be the person you are now, and has made so many plans for you, is one of the most comforting things. Remembering that God has always chosen paths for you that He knows you could handle gives a sense of “I can do this in spite of my pain”.

Overall, this is a struggle people often get but it is achievable. It’s a lifetime’s worth of work but it is essential. 



  • Are you actively thinking about understanding difficult feelings?
  • Are you thinking about all the the things that help you Be proactive about these feelings?
  • Are you thinking about how you can further develop how to be proactive about your difficult feelings?

Talk – New Language

  • Are you actively expressing these difficult feelings in a proactive way?
  • Do you speak of all the good and positive things that make you feel good and counter these feelings in a proactive way?
  • Are you continuously telling yourself and reminding yourself to accept these difficult feelings and counter it?


  • Do you accept your emotions and own up to them fully?
  • Do you try and focus on positive behaviours that help you be proactive about your difficult feelings?
  • Do you continuously learn more about how to accept and counter difficult feelings?

Relationships & Contribution

  • Do you try and accept and understand your difficult feelings to be able to express them in a healthy way?
  • Are you willing to make sure that you always try to accept your difficult feelings to improve your relationships?