Emotional control is an important part of life. In order to be a functioning adult in society, you have to exhibit some level of emotional control. Controlling emotions is an important part of life and functioning in all areas of society: romantic, professional, and familial.
it’s rare that, when self-reflection is the task at hand, you are asked to look at those around you but the way your friends act around you could be a helpful signifier. If your friends act like they’re always walking on eggshells around you or babysitting your feelings, you might have a tendency to just exist in emotional overload, where any tiny thing can push you over the edge.
You need to openly express your emotions in a healthy way as you experience them, so you can resolve any potential problem in an appropriate and healthy manner and you should allow your friends the same courtesy.
How others are treating you could be an important signifier of your own behavior. Observe the way your friends and loved ones treat you on a regular basis; think about how they’ve told you bad news in the past or how they’ve handled situations that might upset you.
You must be objective when observing yourself; you’re hurting no one more than yourself by denying your level of emotional control.
- Are you aware of how important emotional control is?
- Are you finding the good within yourself that help with emotional control?
- Are you searching and continuously growing yourself?
Talk – New Language
- Do you use positive self talk?
- Do you write down or tell yourself the bright and amazing future you will get?
- Do you practice emotional control?
- Are you choosing to see the positive and good things about yourself that help with emotional control?
- Are you actively choosing things in life that are good for you and that cultivate emotional health?
Relationships & Contribution
- Are you striving to have a good relationship with yourself and others?
- Are you choosing good relationships that help you with your emotions?
- Are you continuously growing the love for yourself and choosing to love people who love you the way you should be?