Learn To Accept Instead of Deny

Learn To Accept Instead of Deny

When you become constantly vigilant about negative emotions and work to avoid these, you engage in a futile effort that will ultimately lead to frustration and fear.  When you decide that a certain emotion should be avoided, you must then live on high alert at all...
Break A Destructive Cycle

Break A Destructive Cycle

While avoiding your strong emotions may allow you some peace for the short term, you will definitely pay the price for this strategy over the long haul. By choosing to avoid your pain or discomfort now, you end up masking or numbing your strong feelings over time,...
Actions To Help Those who are Grieving

Actions To Help Those who are Grieving

Grief is something all of us have to face in life at one point or another. Sometimes it can be devastating and debilitating. One thing is sure, the grief process is made much more healthy and effective with support. Do you know someone who is grieving? Grief is often...
How to reach out during The Grief Process

How to reach out during The Grief Process

There are several possible reasons you are struggling to convey your feelings to someone else. It could be that actually vocalizing all the hurt and pain running through your mind makes it seem even more real, almost as if putting these thoughts out into the external...
Inner peace

Inner peace

Some people think that the only way to reach inner peace is to somewhere secluded and meditate, but that’s not always the case. Much like self-love, this is one of the things that people spend lifetimes trying to reach. People always think that taking the time to get...