We can’t always get what we want. One natural human flaw is that our wants can sometimes be insatiable. The past couple of years, we have been struck by a harsh truth, and that is everything is temporary. The money and security you may have now can be gone in an instant, that friend that you’ve procrastinated communicating with can be gone so suddenly. We are all on borrowed time and the first step in being happy is accepting that.

A good practice to remember is valuing what you have while you have them. People often make the mistake of only remembering what things are worth when they lose them, when it’s too late. Make sure to not take things for granted and see everything as a gift.

Another thing is to take risks. You can’t live by just playing safe. You have to let yourself try and explore. See the world that was gifted to you. Take the opportunities presented to you. You will not have that much regret if you just take the leaps of faith while you still had the chance.

Appreciating life in general will bring so much joy in you day to day journey. Makes you realize how much you have and how grateful you should be. There will be struggle but the main thing about that is because you can find joy in the small things, the pain and hurt won’t be as bad.



  • Actively look for things to be grateful for?
  • Are you finding the little things that we can be grateful for?
  • Are you keeping in mind things that we are able to remain grateful for?

Talk – New Language

  • Are you actively speaking out your gratitude
  • Do you state the little things you are grateful for?
  • Do you enumerate and tell yourself the things we look forward to and are grateful for?


  • Are we actively showing our gratitude towards the things and people we appreciate?
  • Are we choosing to see the the little things that cultivate gratitude?

Relationships & Contribution

  • Do we notice the little things our loved ones do for us?
  • Do we appreciate the little things our loved ones do for us?